Land and buildings mapping, cadastral data import

The I-Lot application has the purpose of mapping land, buildings and also to import existing cadastral data to carry out checks and verifications.
I-Lot allows you to enter information from the land register, detecting the actual coordinates with high precision as the user can install the app on professional GPS equipped with an Android device, such as the Leica Zeno 20.
The particle information can then be accompanied by detailed technical information such as the type of cultivation, specific information such as the owner's data, attaching photos if necessary.
The application saves information in real time in a database that can be consulted via the web; in the absence of an internet connection, the application saves the collected data locally, allowing it to be sent at a later time.
After filling in this information and recording the GPS coordinates of a certain property, the user has the possibility to view a PDF document that summarizes all the information entered and the photos taken, also attaching any additional documentation.

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